Why is it that so many of us don’t take better care of ourselves until a doctor diagnoses us with a health-related disease?
Seriously…think about it.
Think about the people in your life. Most likely you have had at least one person in your life that seemingly out of the blue has been affected by a life-altering health condition. It is then treated medically with medications and/or procedures but no real examination of their life before the illness, their wellness habits (or lack thereof), is really addressed.
Sure, there are “pre-existing” conditions that we point to. Alcohol use, obesity, depression, and on and on. But a true evaluation of a person’s daily habits, or how they fit wellness into their lives (or not at all), is never considered.
It’s not until we have the disease that we consider what we need to do differently for our wellness.
How backwards is that?!
Then, beyond the diagnosis, do you make the choice to change your wellness habits as a treatment for disease? Or do you continue the same self-damaging habits and treat disease with medication and medical intervention?
Today’s health care system focuses almost exclusively on responding to symptoms and illnesses after they arise. In the United States, we spend 97% of our health care resources on disease care. (Psychology Today)
Our healthcare system is built on response. Because that’s where the dollars are. They respond with as many tests, procedures, and medications as needed and build a hamster wheel of issues beyond that.
But what about wellness as a means for prevention of disease?
Definitely not something healthcare wants to promote. If we prevent disease, they can’t respond, which means they don’t make money. As simple as that.
Preventative wellness for optimal health
Let’s look at the body holistically.
Holistic practitioners believe that the whole person is made up of interdependent parts and if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. In this way, if people have imbalances (physical, emotional, or spiritual) in their lives, it can negatively affect their overall health. (WebMD)
There is a need today…right now…for you to consider implementing small, micro-moments and practices in your daily routine that can help your mind and body holistically. Make the lifestyle changes and self-care practices now instead of facing a lifetime of medications for ailments that will inevitably come as a result of stress, anxiety, depression, and more.
We’re talking about fixing the cause of our conditions folks, not just alleviating the symptoms.
As I mentioned in a previous post, you are 100% responsible for your health and wellness. So the first step is recognizing that. Then choosing to move beyond excuses and find a path to true self-care.
Devour wellness…and self-care
So let’s change our focus, shall we?
Instead of knowing there is a net of care for when you get a health-related condition, why not create the space in your life to devour wellness in all its forms as a preventative measure to *hopefully* never have to fall into that net.
Have you had a check on your mind, body, and soul recently?
Are you battling getting through the day without addictive substances like alcohol, caffeine, sleep aides, and more?
Are you gaining weight rapidly?
Is your lobido completely depleted?
We need to have a chat about your self-care and the first steps to embracing wellness in your life.
Healthy Epic Hugs,
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