Most people never make the connection that your sexual energy is key to creativity.
Sexual energy is the basis of creativity, love, ambition, desire, and life.
Creativity is ultimately sexual – I’m sorry — but it is!”
Deepak Chopra
Think about it. When you’re in a FLOW state – an optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best – it can feel like a wonderful, surging sea of release. It is a pure stream of expression coming out of you which is unscripted, free, and authentic. You can be in this state for hours at a time with feel-good feelings flooding you, helping you feel energized, invigorated, strong, and wonderfully alive. Of course, the same is true about sex.
It is more about surrender, learning how to get out of your own head, and simply letting go. The further you let go, the more you will dive deeper into the process, and the grander the results will become.
Tapping into sexual energy in my morning rituals
One of the biggest things I am currently learning and applying into my Epic Morning Rituals is the power of tapping into my sexual energy. It amplifies my magnetic manifestations and up-levels my creativity.
As I grow a business and learn how to literally “birth” my ideas into magnetic manifestations, this has become an inner journey and one that I am having a BLAST doing!
So yes, don’t blush too hard, I have started implementing self-pleasure as a key component of my Epic Morning Rituals.
This practice releases dopamine – a neurotransmitter that plays a role in how we feel pleasure – which is essentially a natural, creative wonder drug!
I have made the conscious choice to add this practice because I wanted to harness the power of tapping into my sexual energy, which helps me get into my flow state, which ultimately helps me to manifest my desires and up level my creativity.
Think about it. How powerful and elevated do you feel at the top of a climax when you fully surrender and allow it to engulf your body? It’s learning to take that endorphin high that you get from climaxing and channeling it into building a new life, a new business, a new home, or maybe finding a partner and family to share your life with.

The 4 Ms in my Epic Morning Routine
My motivation for implementing this additional “M” into my rituals is through my recent work with a practitioner named Kim Anami. By listening to her Sex + Creativity podcast, I started to realize that all of the rituals that I was doing in the morning was evoking the feel-good feelings, but they weren’t magnetizing my manifestations and amplifying my creativity!
Below I go into detail about how this process works when it comes to energy and manifestation because trust me they do go hand and hand!
But first let me start off by giving another disclosure: embracing my sexuality, and the discernment around sharing this energy with someone else, took me years of unlearning toxic, unhealthy relationships. It has been a down-right lesson in worthiness.
You see, most of us are conditioned to feel like shit. To be guraded, numb out sex, and have a disconnection from a feeling we all deep down crave.
As mentioned in previous blogs we have over 70 thousand thoughts a day. We repeat 90% of them on a daily basis. Therefore, getting used to feelings that don’t feel good can be super easy and a safe place to be, especially if you don’t have a mindfulness practice.
Most of our choices and daily routines are housed in our unconscious mind. This is where 80-90% of our choices and decisions are made. So what if I told you that the more you PRACTICE your Epic Morning Rituals, the more you can have the ability to feel GOOD, and take back your power of co-creating your life!
Here is something that links us all together: we all want to create something in our lives!
Whether that be to create a business, a new relationship, money, a new home, a family, adventures, or even create music or art – we all have the desire to CREATE in us. But how do we tap into the creation part? How can we make thoughts and turn them into actual realities?
FACT: Humans are driven to create something in this world.
Over the years I have been my own guinea pig in practicing the Law of Attraction and one of the missing pieces for me was attracting self-pleasure and creativity from the act of birthing an “orgasim.”
Yes that’s right I said it. Giving myself permission to self-pleasure often with the intention to birth more ideas, puts the feel-good energy out into the universe and opens up the power of manifesting my dreams!
The feeling of reaching climax is said to be one of the greatest natural highs the body can achieve. You get to this level of a natural high the more you surrender, allow, trust and are willing to connect to yourself and others.
When I started to learn this, I shifted my Epic Morning Rituals to the 4 “M” pillars of:
- Meditate
- Masturbate
- Manifest
- Move that Ass (aka exercise)
I had to learn that human energy is composed of three things: thoughts, emotions and action. When we pull an energetic charge from all of these elements, our energy becomes aligned with the universe. Then BAM, manifestation is created and the Law of Attraction brings it to YOU! I know…easier said than done!
Here are a few steps to help you along the way:
- Sitting in meditation allows you to co-create the thoughts + emotions you are looking to create in your future. I choose to follow Dr. Joe Dispenza’s meditation process. Check out his Morning Meditation here.
- Amplify your co-creation through the act of self-pleasure. This physical feeling is an energetic expression, a point of climax, that is a surge of energy that you experience and put out into the universe. When this occurs, Sexual Transmutation occurs.
Transmutation is when one thing changes into another. Therefore sexual transmutation is essentially channeling your sexual energy to create something in your life!
Again, the Law of Attraction is all about knowing that manifestation emits the energy you desire. What emits a more powerful force than that of an orgasm?
With that being said, for this week, lean more into surrendering. Let go. Understand that creation is a part of your lifeblood and sexuality fuels all of life!
Healthy Epic Hugs,
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Great blog post, does this method work only with women or can it work with men also?
I’ve read an article years ago, when men self-pleasure they lose their mental capacity to concentrate.
However if they refrain from from self-pleasure, in a case study they noticed increased work capacity, optimizing mental alertness.
What are your thoughts?