Have you decided that you MATTER yet?
You can try all the self-care techniques in the world, but it won’t be successful until you fully embrace the decision and belief that you actually matter.
Let me lay it all out there: the first step of self-care is giving a shit.
Give a shit about what you focus on, what you read and watch every day.
Give a shit about what you put in your body, the foods that you eat – and how it makes you feel.
Give a shit about what you want to create in your life, who you spend your time with, and what emotionally and spiritually fill your cup.
When you don’t give a shit – or care about yourself – you fall into a perpetual, self-destructive cycle hardwired for the negative bias. You won’t take chances, you will get comfortable in self-harming habits, you will make excuses to stay in an unhealthy comfort zone, and you will never change.
I might seem a little passionate today.
But it is because I matter and so do you!
I’m here to be an honest mirror for you to realize that the excuses and victim mentality you are carrying around as barriers to an abundant life are bullshit.
It’s time to start taking full, radical responsibility with the way you are taking care of yourself.
Because my friend, if you don’t give a shit, the people around you won’t either.
Maybe you don’t love your body right now. (I mean…in all honesty…we’re talking about the majority of the U.S. population here.) You’re not alone. However, I am not saying that you have to love every piece of your body right now. I’m just saying that you should at least give a shit about it’s health.
Same goes for your mind and spirit too. If you are filling your days consuming, reading, watching, and hearing negative thoughts, opinions, and entertainment, you are not giving a shit about the state of your mental and spiritual well being.
You aren’t creating space every day to fill your body, mind, and spirit with soul-nourishing habits and behaviors that lead to a happier, healthier life.
Ready to be your own advocate? Ready to give a shit?
I challenge you.
I challenge you to give a shit about your body, mind, and soul this year.
That’s why I created the Epic Self-Care Challenge. A program that jumpstarts your commitment to feeling better with a 22-day action plan of self-care habits that will get you in a cycle of making yourself a priority.
Join me? It kicks off February 1st. I can’t wait to see you there.
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